The Washington PostDemocracy Dies in Darkness

Opinion Biden is quietly reversing Trump’s sabotage of Obamacare

President Biden at the White House on Friday. (Al Drago/Bloomberg News)
4 min

Slowly but surely, President Biden is repairing the U.S. health-care system, reversing Trump-era sabotage and ensuring millions more Americans get access to affordable coverage.

The latest of these efforts came on Friday, in a little-noticed but significant decision to protect Americans from junk health insurance.

In 2017, Congress repeatedly tried and failed to repeal the Affordable Care Act. To casual observers, it might have looked like the end of the Republican fight to kill this lifesaving, inequality-fighting, newly popular law. It wasn’t. Over the next few years, President Donald Trump found new ways to sabotage the health-care system and its protections for the most vulnerable Americans.

Among the most insidious of these backdoor repeal measures: expanding “short-term, limited duration” health plans — i.e., attempting to trick Americans into plans that looked cheap but basically covered nothing.

Short-term plans are theoretically intended as brief, stopgap coverage — say, to tide over a new college grad whose job doesn’t start until the fall.
