The Washington PostDemocracy Dies in Darkness

A 7-year-old was mean to classmates. Why aren’t lessons about kindness sinking in?

Every other Wednesday at 11 a.m. (The Washington Post)

Meghan Leahy, a parenting coach, author, mother of three, who writes the parenting advice column for The Post takes your questions about the all encompassing job we call parenting.

Every other Wednesday at 11 a.m. ET, Meghan hosts this Q&A to answer questions from parents trying to raise kids of any age. Send us your question or dilemma and try to provide as much context as possible. Meghan will write back to as many submissions as she can over the hour-long chat. Some questions may turn into columns for The Post.

Stuck on what to ask? Here are a few good examples:

Submit your questions below. The box includes a space for your name, but providing it is optional. Questions may be edited for accuracy and clarity.

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