The Washington PostDemocracy Dies in Darkness

Cooking chat: I’m disabled, and my husband won’t cook or hire help. Now what?

(Tom McCorkle for The Washington Post/Food styling by Lisa Cherkasky for The Washington Post)

Every Wednesday at noon Eastern, Aaron Hutcherson and Becky Krystal provide practical cooking advice that you can’t find on Google. We answer questions like “How do I get my pizza dough to roll out easier?” and “What’s the difference between cured and uncured bacon?”

But there’s more! Often, your excellent questions inspire us to write full-length articles. Recent posts have covered broth vs. stock (and whether it really matters), foolproof ways to cook fish and a look at carbon-steel pans.

Aaron and Becky both write and test recipes for Voraciously, The Post’s section dedicated to helping you cook with confidence. We’re hoping this weekly chat will be a lively conversation where you can figure out any issues in the kitchen and identify new recipes for you to try

Here are some questions we answered today:

Looking for more? Read on below:

Want more recipes and tips from the Voraciously team? Check out our past chats or sign up for the Eat Voraciously newsletter, in which G. Daniela Galarza shares one quick, adaptable dinner recipe every Monday through Thursday.
